Should I build my SaaS cancellation flow in-house or use a third-party tool?

This is a question many SaaS founders face.

It's tempting to try building everything from scratch. It makes sense: you want to have full control over it, and don’t want to be tied in with a subscription for yet another tool.

However, when you have limited resources this might not be the best approach.

There are many useful solutions on the market for building cancellation flows that won’t break the bank. Raaft is a great example of a solution that enables founders to build smart cancellation flows.

  • Are in-house cancellation flows truly cost-effective in the long run?
  • Does crafting one internally risk a suboptimal user experience?
  • How do unforeseen complications and upkeep stack up against other priorities?

Drawing from years of expertise in the SaaS realm and firsthand insights, I'm here to shed light on these concerns.

The industry landscape is rife with lessons, both from successes and missteps, and it’s my mission to ensure you navigate it with confidence.

  • SaaS startup founders looking to optimize user experiences.
  • Product managers deliberating over feature prioritization.
  • UX designers seeking the best approach for seamless offboarding.

Relatability is key.

I've been in those brainstorming sessions, weighing the pros and cons, and grappling with the dilemma of whether to go in-house or lean on specialized solutions.

Now, let me guide you through this crucial decision, one grounded in research, experience, and a genuine desire to see your SaaS thrive.

Building A SaaS Cancellation Flow In-House

The Misconception of "Cost-Effectiveness"

When I first ventured into the SaaS world, I too believed that building a cancellation flow in-house was the most cost-effective choice. The allure of using internal resources, tailoring the process, and maintaining control was strong. But my experiences taught me to look beyond the surface.

Initial Development Costs

From the countless brainstorming sessions I've been a part of, I've seen that:

  • Designing an effective UI/UX for cancellation requires more time and research than anticipated.
  • The multiple iterations and A/B testing we had to do often extended our development time.
  • Every delay in launching, even minor, resulted in higher churn rates and palpable revenue hits.

Ongoing Maintenance and Updates

After launching our in-house cancellation flow, I realized the costs didn’t end:

  • We had to make frequent updates to address the ever-evolving customer needs and feedback.
  • There were additional server and infrastructure costs we hadn't factored in.
  • Troubleshooting and fixing unexpected bugs became a regular agenda.

User Experience: More Than Just a Button

More than just a button

During my early SaaS days, I admit, I viewed the cancellation process as just another feature. But I learned, sometimes the hard way, it’s so much more.

Emotionally-Driven Decisions

Users choosing to cancel are making emotionally charged decisions. When our cancellation experience wasn’t up to the mark, it:

  • Magnified those negative emotions, making it harder to win them back.
  • Often resulted in unfavorable feedback, impacting our brand reputation.

Feedback Collection

With time, I recognized that an optimized cancellation process can also serve as a feedback tool, turning potential exits into invaluable lessons.

Neglecting Cancellation Flows: Key Risks

By not giving the due importance to this aspect, we faced consequences:

Higher Churn Rates

Without a grasp on why users were leaving, we struggled to implement effective preventive measures.

Lost Opportunity For Re-engagement

I realized that a well-designed cancellation flow can serve as a last-minute retention tool, presenting users with alternative solutions.

Neglecting Cancellation Flows: Key Risks

Why Trust External Solutions?

In our product research, we explored how SMB SaaS companies handle customer cancellations.

Email or phone cancellations are frustrating for customers and generally not recommended.

We believe this method leaves customers dissatisfied and only works for larger customers with dedicated support.

Raaft is designed differently, automating cancellations and gathering feedback efficiently.

Open cancellation without feedback is common but detrimental, as user insights are lost.

Custom-built flows for feedback collection are common but often poorly managed and not user-friendly.

Raaft offers a unique solution, streamlining cancellation and feedback processes effectively.

Benefit From Years Of Experience

Raaft offers insights from across industries, something we hadn’t been exposed to.

Enjoy Regular Updates

Instead of your team juggling updates, these experts can ensure you have all the necessary tools to develop a robust cancellation flow in a few clicks.

Conclusion: Making The Right Choice For Your SaaS

Every SaaS journey, like mine, is unique, and filled with learnings at every turn. Your product is a reflection of dedication, innovation, and passion.

Whether you choose an in-house approach or an external solution, remember to always prioritize the user and be open to evolving.

Every end, as I've learned, can indeed be a new beginning with the right approach.

Don’t forget to check out Raaft and start building custom cancellation flows to reduce SaaS churn for free.

That’s right, you can get started with Raaft for free.

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Adam Crookes
Written byAdam Crookes

📢 Why Listen to Me?I work with both bootstrapped and VC-backed SaaS companies to develop scalable inbound marketing strategies.

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